Mt. Baldy (10,064′) November 20, 2009

When in Southern California giving multimedia presentations I usually like to get outside during the daytime.  One tradition has been to hike Mt. Baldy.  Anybody can come who is in shape for a casual hike to the top of this 10,064′ peak and who can take a day off from work to join us.  The groups are always fun and usually have a mix of a few new people along with the usual suspects.  I always meet at 6am so there’s plenty of time to get up and down the mountain by early afternoon so I can drive off in the direction of my next slideshow, which in this case was at the Tarzana location of Adventure 16.  A great time was had by all.  Here are a few pictures.  The rest are here:

The group ready to hikeat 6:15 AM.

The group ready to hikeat 6:15 AM.


The Baldy Bowl in morning light from San Antonion Falls Rd.

The Baldy Bowl in morning light from San Antonion Falls Rd.

Ava giving it a go on No Hands Rock.

Ava giving it a go on "No Hands Rock".

Summit photo on a clear day.  The thermometer read 40 degrees.  With the Wind chill factor it was a few degrees colder than that.

Summit photo on a clear day. The thermometer read 40 degrees. With the Wind chill factor it was a few degrees colder than that.

Starting the descent.  Visible in the distance on the skyline is San Gorgonio (left) and San Jacinto (right).

Starting the descent. Visible in the distance on the skyline is San Gorgonio (left) and San Jacinto (right).

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